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Mercedes Benz Fashion Week: Edwing D'Angelo Fall 2008

        Spring 2007 was the birth of the Fashion Student Association.  Founder Jasmine Humphrey truly went out of her way to establish the club and find volunteer and internship opportunities for members of FSA to participate in.  Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Fall 2008 was one of the first large scale events that members of FSA were a part of. 
        Below are pictures of the Edwing D'Angelo show Fall 2008, which was off site of Bryant Park.  At this show members were there for the day of set up including: runway, curtains, gift bags and production and coordination during the event.  At the time Edwing was an up and coming designer obviously established as he was part of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week but still small scale enough he was very involved in the day of set up and every detail of his show.  Members of FSA had the opportunity to work with Reynaldo Davis Carter a well known production coordinator in NYC.  It is through networking and volunteering that members of FSA truly excel and pave the way for future members.